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12 all chemical reaction

Class 12 all important chemical reaction
  1. Sandmeyer Reaction:

    The Sandmeyer reaction is a chemical reaction which is used to synthesize aryl halides from aryl diazonium salts. This reaction is a method for substitution of an aromatic amino group by preparing diazonium salt that is followed by its displacement and copper salts often catalyze it.
    Sandmeyer Reaction
    The Br, Cl and Cn nucleophiles can be easily present in the benzene ring of benzene diazonium salt in the presence of Copper ion.
  2. Gattermann Reaction:

    Bromine and Chlorine can be present in the benzene ring by preparing the benzene diazonium salt solution with similar halogen acid present with copper powder. This is the gatterman reactio
  3.  31a8ee9b-6dal-4544-a3fe-0fff7060d198

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